Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Good Morning,

It's official, we are moving to Bolivia!!! (Lord willing)

We have accepted the invitation to serve full time with EFCC missions in Bolivia. The Radio ministry under Worlds Trans Radio will be our main focus as we keep our mind open to other opportunities God may have for us there. (There is plenty).

We are excited and obviously a bit over whelmed as we start the process this process. But this is the plan we feel God has lead us to so please pray with us for things to fall into place according to God's will.

Our tentative schedule is to focus on fundraising until next July (trusting all will be in by then). Then to head off to Texas for Spanish language study for 8 months and then head to Bolivia from there. Yes, it will be a bit yet before we get to Bolivia but these are very important steps that we need to take to make God's ministry through us successful.

The first and most important thing we need for this ministry to succeed is PRAYER. So if you would like to be on our prayer list. Please give us your address and email and we would love to have you join us on this journey.

I leave you with God's words out of 1 Peter 4:10
"Each of you should use what ever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."

Love & Blessings,

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Excited, nervous and any other emotion out there!

Buenos Tardes, Goden owens, Guten Abend, Good evening!

AHHHHHH! Yes it's true, we've been accepted into full time missions with EFCCM (EFree Church Canada Mission). As you can see by my title, we're feeling a bit of everything. But more then anything we feel that this is God's plan for us. There are still a lot of details that need to be figured out but we will take one day at a time and trust that all will happen in God's timing.

At this point we are praying for clarity in exactly what ministry God wants us, feeling certain that it is Bolivia. Please pray with us as we continue to discern for specific details with the leadership of EFCCM.

We will try and keep you updated as more details become available.

Thank you so much for walking with us and keeping us in your prayers!

Until next time,
